On April 1, 2022 (9.30 am CET), Heidi Goes (BantUGent) defends her PhD dissertation titled “A historical-comparative approach to phonological and morphological variation in the Kikongo Language Cluster, with a special focus on Cabinda”, which she wrote under the co-supervision of Prof. Koen Bostoen (BantUGent) and Prof. Gilles-Maurice de Schryver (BantUGent).
The jury members are Prof. Bruce Connell (York University), Prof. Nobuko Yoneda (Osaka University), Prof. Joseph Koni Muluwa (ISP Kikwit), Prof. Mark Janse (UGent) and Dr. Guy Kouarata (UGent).
The president of the jury is Prof. Jo Van Steenbergen (UGent) and the secretary Dr. Hilde Gunnink (UGent).
This event can also be followed online through MS Teams. More info: heidi.goes@ugent.be
The ceremony will be followed by a reception (near the Faculty Council, Blandijnberg 2, first floor)
Please confirm your presence using this link (https://webappsx.ugent.be/eventManager/events/cabinda), at the latest Wednesday at noon (23/3/2022).