Optimizing the use of barley straw in tropical ruminant diets
PhD candidate: Keno, Mulugeta Tilahun
Mulugeta Tilahun Keno was born in Bilo Nopa District, Oromia, Ethiopia on October 31, 1983. After completing secondary school, He obtained a B.Sc degree in Animal Science from Ambo University, Ethiopia in 2008. In 2012 he obtained M.Sc in Aquaculture and fishery from Ambo University. He also attended the International Training Program short-term course at Ghent University, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering in Belgium and obtained the certificate of the International Training Program in Aquaculture health management in 2017. In September, 2014, Mulugeta joined Mettu University, Ethiopia and served as lecturer until September 2017. In October 2017, Mulugeta was admitted as a Ph.D student in animal nutrition in Jimma University and in 2018 he awarded a Special Research Fund (BOF) scholarship which allowed him to pursue a joint PhD in Animal nutrition and Veterinary sciences, organized by Jimma University and Ghent University. He conducted his Ph.D thesis research entitled “Optimizing the use of barley straw in tropical ruminant diets”. Mulugeta is author and co-author of six publication in scientific journals. He presented his work at international conferences.Supervisors: Prof. dr. Geert Janssens (supervisor) - Prof. dr. Taye Tolamariam (supervisor) - Prof. Solomon Demeke (supervisor) - Dr. Jane Wamatu - Dr. Ashraf Alkhtib
Due to the decline in grazing land, the degradation through overgrazing, and the expansion of arable cropping in tropical countries, the contribution of crop residues for animal feeding becomes increasingly important. The overall aim of this dissertation was to improve total barley biomass utilization for food and feed use through the dual-purpose evaluation of barley varieties for mixed livestock-barley production in Ethiopia highlands.
Date: Monday 25 April 2022, 17:00
Location: Auditorium D, Salisburylaan 133, 9820 Merelbeke
If you would like to attend live, please register before April 15, 2022 by e-mailing to Mulugeta.Tilahunkeno@ugent.be