Call International Thematic Networks 2024-2028 launched



Call International Thematic Networks 2024-2028 launched

The international thematic networks are cooperative networks consisting of Ghent University staff members and international partners concerning a specific topic of excellence in education and research. The network of international partners offers an added value through synergy by strengthening the existing capacity and expertise within Ghent University, and/or strengthening the capacity of partners in the Global South. 

It supports the development of new initiatives in mobility, research, education and service to society. Further, the network promotes the excellence of the institution in this field, thus contributing to the position as an important partner in education, research and service to society and to the international Ghent University brand in general.

In order to stimulate the further development of the ITN portfolio, a new call for International Thematic Networks (2024-2028) with a total budget of 180.000 € is open to support new ITN.



  • Declaration of intent - 17 February 2023, 23h59
  • Full proposal – 31 August 2023, 23h59


More information

Call website: